Kids of Zoo storm the restaurant at White Trash this Saturday, fresh off the plane from Melbourne. Of course, when I say fresh I really mean they’ll be jetlagged, tired and very very cranky. Which is exactly the way you want a band to be on a Saturday night, especially a band that’s made as good a record as their self-titled LP which is as raw a slice of in your face, garage-rock as you’re likely to have heard in the past year.
Guitarist and singer Tim Wold is a veteran of several of the most respected Melbourne bands of recent times in The Specimens and Russian Roulettes (with Sam “Digger & The Pussycats” & “Brat Farrar” Agostino) and has also recently been garnering rave reviews in his krautrock/psych outfit Smoke Signal down in Melbourne. Yes, it’s a sad fact that we are nowhere near having the array of talented bands in Berlin as Australia does so grab this chance to catch a glimpse of a normal Saturday night feels like in a sweaty Melbournian dive…except you’re in a sweaty Berlin burger bar. Can’t have everything I suppose.
I’ll also be at the merch desk selling copies of their vinyl only tour EP which really is a lovely production and something you should buy instead of burgers
Here’s Mechanical Foetus andYabba Man:
KIDS OF ZOO formed in Australia mid-2008, spawned out of the ashes of straight-ahead rock and roll stalwarts The Specimens and cast back into the filth and grime of every nook and cranny of the Melbourne circuit, from despicable 15 minute sets at Pony Bar’s infamous 2am slot to numerous supports at the Tote Hotel, thriving on a strict diet of the likes of Part Chimp, McLusky & X (to name a few) Sets are short and so are tempers, lyrics are kept to a minimum of syllables & this band worships the tascam 4 track. Kids of Zoo mission statement is nothing more than create a wall of noise that will melt your face off like that soldier dude at the end of raiders of the Lost Ark!